Weekend away 4 persons

Van der Valk is the perfect place for a weekend getaway with a group of 4 people. Whether friends, family or colleagues, Van der Valk offers something for everyone. For example, families of 4 people can enjoy the convenience of connecting rooms. During your stay you can relax and enjoy all the spa and fitness facilities that Van der Valk has to offer - from heated indoor swimming pool to state-of-the-art gym.

Activities nearby

A weekend away with 4 people is perfect for some quality time. There are countless hotels in the Netherlands alone, with various activities nearby for you and your friends or family to enjoy. For example, go shopping in one of the nearby towns, opt for a day of testing roller coasters in an amusement park, take a lovely walk in nature or discover the historic buildings and castles in the area. Visit a music festival with your friends or play games in an escape room. There are plenty of options for entertainment and lasting memories together!

Culinary enjoyment

After a busy day, take a seat in the hotel bar to chat and review the day. Some hotels even have a sky bar with a fantastic view of the city! Indulge your taste buds in the restaurant and enjoy real Valk Classics or culinary surprises with your group of 4 people. Or opt for the Live Cooking buffet, where various dishes are prepared à la minute for you.


Would you like to enjoy a fully catered weekend away with 4 people? Then you can choose from a wide range of packages including bicycle rental or a visit to an amusement park. This way everything is arranged for you and all you have to do is enjoy!